Monday, April 20, 2009

Zach's First Soccer Game

I can't believe my little guy is growing up, but he played in his first soccer game last Saturday. He's only 4 years old and I guess that's the youngest you can be to play (they call it pre-kindergarten). We're really lucky that his coaches are in our ward, along with a few of the kids on his team. I wasn't too sure how Zach would take to it, he's not my aggressive, out-going one (Sarah has claimed that title in our house). But he seemed to like it. Now, there were no real soccer skills being used on the field - the kids are only 4 and 5 years old after all. But it was so fun to watch all these kids out there on the field running around and going after the ball. It was so fun (and funny) to watch. They don't keep score and that was good because most of the time teams were scoring on their own goals. The interesting thing we didn't know is that one of the coaches stays on the field with the kids. That was really cool. I'm really looking forward to our next games. I'm going to put some pictures here, but they are only a small sample of all we took (Brad and I took around 150 pictures between the two of us). You'll have to remember Zach is number 3.


Mike & Jen said...

It looks like he was really into it! We'll have to come see him play sometime.

benandnatty said...

He is Soooo cute! I really want to see a game...will you email me his schedule so we can try to make one of his games? Great pics...he looks like he is going to do really well!